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**Latest Market Report listed below**
Canadian Sheep Identification Program
Attention Saskatchewan Sheep and Lamb Producers
Mandatory CSIP Tags
Canadian Sheep Identification Program (CSIP) tags must be applied to all animals before they leave the farm of origin. Saskatchewan producers must purchase CSIP tags from the Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board, (306)933-5200. The yellow Allflex button sheep tag and the yellow Shearwell data tag are the only official Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags currently being sold for use in the Canadian Sheep Identification Program (CSIP). For Saskatchewan producers the only approved distributor for sheep and lamb tags is the Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board. All CSIP tags for sheep & lambs produced in Saskatchewan need to be purchased from the SSDB. Should CFIA Inspectors discover that the tag applied is not the correct sheep tag or that there is no approved tag applied, you are putting YOURSELF at risk of a $1300.00 fine per incident.,Record%20Keeping%20Form
-Goats do not need to be tagged to be brought into auction
-Please print clearly on manifests and include all information (Name, full address, phone number, correct number of livestock, type of animal ex: Wether sheep or Wether goat)